Civil ID Delivery Home Kuwait Service Request 2023

Civil cards are essential to ease your access to many places and make you purchase effortlessly. Several people register for the ID daily by visiting the Public Authority of Civil Information (PACI). But what if someone can’t manage to go there physically?

If you’re that someone, you can apply to get your civil ID at home through the civil ID home delivery service in Kuwait. This service is provided to those who can’t come to the PACI office to collect their civil IDs. One can apply for this through online or by contacting them on the phone.

Рaci Civil ID Delivery Home Kuwait 2023:

If you want to get civil ID delivery in Kuwait, please read and follow the steps written below:

PACI Kuwait Civil Id home delivery

Step 1: Visit the official website of the authority

Visit the official website of the authority. Make sure to review and accept the terms and conditions carefully. Then, click the “start” button to proceed to the next step.

If the page loads in Arabic, you can select the button on the upper left to make it English.

payment for civil id delivery kuwait

Step 2: “Serial Number” and your “Civil ID Number.”

You must provide your “Serial Number” and your “Civil ID Number.” in the designated fields.
Click the “add” button to confirm the information.

civil ID delivery home kuwait

Step 3: Contact and Other Information

Now, you will be required to enter the essential information. Like your “Name,” the “Delivery Time,” your “Phone Number,” “Email Address,” and your “Preferred Contact Language.” After entering these details, click “add” to confirm the Delivery Information.

Рaci Civil ID Delivery Home Kuwait

Step 4: Payment process

Progressing to the next step, you will be guided through the remaining payment steps. Follow the instructions to complete the payment process, ensuring all necessary details are accurately provided.

Рaci Civil ID Delivery Home Kuwait

Step 5: Payment Confirmation

After completing the payment steps, click on “Payment Confirmation” to confirm your payment and finalize your transaction.

Step:6 Record your transaction

After entering all the credentials, confirm the delivery information and proceed to the payment for civil id delivery kuwait. Once the payment is complete, you will receive а confirmation receipt, which you must keep carefully. You can print it out or save it to your device. 

Civil ID Delivery 2kd:

Generally, civil ID delivery 2kd is charged from individuals. However, if it occurs, the delivery fee can go up for some issues. Hence, if there’s no issue, you must pay 2 Kuwaiti dinars to enjoy the service. If you request to deliver an additional card to a single delivery address, the charges will add 0.25 Kuwaiti dinars depending on how many cards will be delivered. For example, requesting 3 civil ID card delivery will cost you 2.50 Kuwaiti dinars.

Civil ID Delivery Kuwait Contact Number:

PACI has two hotlines you can call to ask questions regarding civil IDs. The Paci delivery contact number is +965 1889 988, where you can ask a delivery representative queries regarding the civil ID home delivery service by choosing your preferred language. Another hotline for PACI delivery is 1889988, which you can call to request delivery or track the delivery status of your civil ID. But remember to provide them with your address details.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How many days will it take to get a new civil ID in Kuwait?

After applying for the civil identity, it usually takes 7 to 14 days to get a unique civil ID in Kuwait.

How much is the delivery charge for a civil ID in Kuwait?

It takes 2 Kuwaiti dinars to purchase a civil ID delivery service in Kuwait.

Final Words

Civil identification card in Kuwait is a must-have card that every Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti should keep. This is used to identify them and give access to various activities like purchasing houses, plots, or cars. You can get the ID in Kuwait through a civil ID home delivery Kuwait service. But one must register online to enjoy the service.